What We Do        History        How We Operate


About Us

Artform is a non-professional production company but we strive for professional standards in both performance and production values.


As we do not have a permanent membership base, we encourage interest from a wide range of local performers for each production.


As well as scheduling our own creative programme, we are always interested in considering proposals from both experienced and developing creative teams.


We had been resident at The Broadway Studio, Catford since our revival in 2013, but have now moved to the Bob Hope Thertre in EEltham. We also present musical cabaret evenings in local community venues, along with social and fund-raising events.


Like all theatrical companies and performers, COVID19 prevented any live performances from March 2020 to 2021, so we used this as an opportunity to launch our ‘Afternoon with Artform’ podcasts. These take the form of a ‘round-the-table’ discussion between some of the creative teams and performers, highlighting the challenges and solutions of putting on a production.


Artform is a member of the SE London Am Dram Diversity Steering Group.




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© Artform 2020